Winter holiday trends: More and more Czechs spend the holidays abroad
A clear trend has emerged in the Czech Republic in recent years: more and more Czechs are no longer spending Christmas and New Year in their own country, but prefer sunny beaches and exotic destinations abroad. The increased demand for winter travel is particularly evident in the sales figures of the Dovolena.cz portal, which is operated by Student Agency Travel. The portal recorded a 27% increase in sales compared to the previous year. This development is partly due to the extended Christmas holidays, which offer Czech families a better opportunity to fit travel into the winter holidays. Czech travel destinations in winter While the classic summer holiday destinations such as Egypt and Spain remain popular, Czech holidaymakers are increasingly drawn to warmer climes in winter too. Destinations such as the United Arab Emirates, the Maldives, Thailand, Cuba, Mauritius, Oman and Cape Verde are particularly popular. A growing interest in exotic travel destinations is clearly evident, which indicates the increasing travel experience and the desire for new cultural experiences. The decision to spend Christmas or New Year in warm places is also made easier by the increasing availability of package deals for winter holiday destinations, which do not overstretch the budget of many holidaymakers. However, the average prices vary considerably. A holiday in Egypt, which is one of the cheapest destinations, costs on average about 21.600 CZK per person (approx. 880 euros). In contrast, stays in exotic destinations such as the Dominican Republic or the Maldives are significantly more expensive and range between 44.000 and 55.000 CZK (approx. 1.780 to 2.220 euros). A week in Spain, which is also one of the