Austrian Army: Eurofighter pilots train supersonic flights
From November 4 to 15, 2024, the Austrian Armed Forces' Eurofighter pilots will conduct intensive training flights in the supersonic range in Austria. Two supersonic flights are planned on each training day between 08:00 a.m. and 16:00 p.m. Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner emphasizes the importance of these exercises for the country's security, especially in view of the current geopolitical situation and the war in Ukraine. The training is essential for airspace surveillance and the operational readiness of the air force. The exercises are carried out under realistic conditions to simulate the stresses and challenges in the supersonic range. To minimize the noise level, the flights are carried out at high altitudes and outside of urban areas. In addition, measures have been implemented to reduce the propagation of sound, such as the short duration of the acceleration phases and the documentation of the sound distribution. The supersonic speed, which begins at around 1.200 km/h, can be perceived on the ground in the form of shock waves as a sonic boom. The noise depends on various factors such as flight altitude and weather.