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Austrian Airlines increases Innsbruck-Vienna flights again

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Austrian Airlines (AUA) has expanded its 2024/2025 winter flight schedule and is offering a significant increase in flight frequencies between Vienna and Innsbruck from the end of October 2024 to March 2025.

This route will now be served up to three times a day, which offers more flexibility, especially for business travelers and tourists. AUA has also announced new direct connections for incoming tourism: from December to the beginning of March, Brussels, Copenhagen and Warsaw will be served directly from Innsbruck every week. In addition, the route to Amsterdam will be served once a week in the coming winter season until the end of March.

Michael Trestl, Chief Commercial Officer of Austrian Airlines, emphasized the importance of this expansion: "With our expanded flight offer between Vienna and Innsbruck, we now offer our guests more flexibility as well as four direct tourist connections to Tyrol. We see ourselves as part of the Tyrolean economy, and our standards are reflected in our flight program!" This commitment underlines the strategic role of AUA in Austrian air traffic and the importance of connecting Tyrol to important European cities.

Marco Pernetta, Managing Director of Innsbruck Airport, also shares the joy about the new flight connections: "We are very happy that Austrian is making a clear commitment to Innsbruck as a location by increasing the frequencies on the Vienna route, which is important for Innsbruck Airport, and by adding new European routes on the winter weekends." These additional connections are intended not only to strengthen tourism, but also to improve the region's economic network.

Domestic ski tourism in particular can benefit from the new flight connections. In the high season, the routes to Stockholm and Billund are served as charter flights directly from Innsbruck. This enables skiers from Scandinavia and northern Germany to travel comfortably to the Tyrolean ski resorts, which are internationally known for their quality and snow reliability.

In addition to Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa is also expanding its services in Innsbruck. The connection between Innsbruck and Frankfurt will be operated 11 times a week, ensuring access to one of the largest hubs in Europe. In addition, the Lufthansa Express Bus connection introduced in summer 2024 will continue in winter with up to four daily trips to the Munich hub. These offers make it easier for travelers from the region to access destinations worldwide via the hubs in Frankfurt and Munich.

This comprehensive expansion of the flight offer reflects a positive development for Innsbruck Airport. The new and increased connections will not only promote tourism, but also improve the international connections of the Tyrol region. For the coming winter season, the region expects an increase in tourists who will use the new flight connections to visit the Alpine ski resorts.

With these measures, Austrian Airlines is demonstrating its commitment to regional development and tourism in Tyrol. The improved connections offer a win-win situation for everyone involved - the airline, Innsbruck Airport and the travelers. In times of increasing travel desire and growing interest in winter holidays in the Alps, Austrian Airlines' expanded flight schedule could be a decisive factor in the growth of tourism in Tyrol.

AUA Innsbruck flight schedule:

RouteFlight numberFlight days
Innsbruck – ViennaOS 915Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu
Innsbruck – ViennaOS 903Sa
Innsbruck – ViennaOS 905Every Day
Innsbruck – ViennaOS 901Every Day
Vienna – InnsbruckOS 916Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu
Vienna – InnsbruckOS 904Sa
Vienna – InnsbruckOS 906Every Day
Vienna – InnsbruckOS 902Every Day
Innsbruck – BrusselsOS361BRU-INN
Innsbruck – CopenhagenOS322CPH-INN
Innsbruck – WarsawOS622WAW-INN
Innsbruck – BillundOS2628BLL-INN

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