The board members and managing directors of ADV Airports met in Hanover for their summer meeting. In a two-day meeting, they called for an agenda for growth and competition for sustainable airport locations.
ADV President Stefan Schulte stressed the importance of German airports in European competition, particularly with regard to the stationing of aircraft and the launch of new flight routes. At the same time, the airports want to expand their pioneering role in climate and noise protection. Schulte explained: "Only a high-performance air traffic system can live up to its responsibilities."
In view of the financial challenges for climate protection, the airports are calling for the "Green Deal" to be linked to a "deal for competitiveness". The regulatory requirements for the blending of alternative fuels (SAF) and for emissions trading are the right way to go, but they must remain affordable and must not impair competitiveness. The airport association ADV is calling for specially developed funding measures and financial support to achieve the climate protection goals. These measures should enable the transformation to green energy and greater energy efficiency. "The German airports expect a clear signal from Brussels for sustainability, growth and competitiveness," concluded Dr. Schulte.