In recent years, more and more companies have jumped on the "climate-friendly" trend. In many cases, these are marketing promises that are difficult to verify and occasionally also pure greenwashing. The German Environmental Aid is now planning to take legal action against some providers.
According to a report by the Tagesschau, a total of eight companies were asked to refrain from certain advertising statements relating to so-called climate neutrality. Not surprisingly, Green Airlines is not missing from the list of ticket sellers. As early as summer 2021, it was publicly exposed to accusations of greenwashing. Groningen Airport even received a fine because of the ticket seller's advertising slogans that emphasized the alleged climate friendliness.
In the meantime, Green Airlines has stopped selling tickets and even put the homepage into permanent maintenance mode. From an environmental point of view, the advertising promises are now being fulfilled, because where there is no flight, there is no carbon dioxide. Incidentally, Green Airlines gave the reason for giving up marketing charter flights that the number of bookings was too weak.
The German Environmental Aid is not only taking action against the ticket seller, but also against oil multinationals such as Total, BP and Shell, the drugstore chains DM and Rossmann as well as Beiersdorf and Mother Nature.
Green Airlines was not and is not an airline, but a company formally based at the address of a mailbox service provider, which chartered aircraft and sold the seats on its own account. The utilization of the flights was almost always extremely weak. Incidentally, long positioning flights criss-crossing Europe to bring a single-digit number of travelers from Paderborn to Sylt did not fit in at all with the climate-friendly claim.