Graz Airport (Photo: Jan Gruber).
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Graz Airport donates over 2.000 euros to association for seriously ill children

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As part of the annual Christmas event "Waiting for Santa Claus", Graz Airport donated over 2.000 euros to the Children's Life for a Time association. The event, which takes place on Christmas Eve, is free of charge, but donations for charitable purposes are requested. The money collected was topped up by the airport and will go towards palliative care for children and young people.

The Children's Life for a Time association supports families with seriously ill children. Sylvia Györfy, president of the association, emphasized the great burden that a life-threatening illness represents for children and those around them, and highlighted the importance of support during this difficult time.

The managing directors of Graz Airport, Wolfgang Grimus and Jürgen Löschnig, expressed their gratitude for the guests' participation in the fundraising campaign. "It is a special gift to be able to support an association that cares for seriously ill children," they explained in a statement.

Graz Airport carries out the fundraising campaign every year as part of “Waiting for Santa Claus” and thus makes a contribution to supporting regional charitable organizations.


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