Kassel-Calden Airport (Photo: Robert Spohr).
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Hessian Ministry of Transport defends Kassel Airport against criticism

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The Hessian Ministry of Transport has rejected concerns about a possible discontinuation of regular flight connections at Kassel-Calden Airport.

Speculations about a long lull at the airport are unfounded, the ministry said, referring to the coalition agreement between the black-red state government. The airport remains an important infrastructure project for northern Hesse. However, critics, including the Greens in the state parliament, complain about the low number of flights and the airport's deficit that has existed for years. Kassel-Calden Airport, which has been in the red since it opened, will continue to receive public funding. At the same time, the ministry emphasizes the airport's positive economic effects, such as the doubling of the number of companies based there and the number of employees.


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