Entrance to the terminal of Lübeck Airport (Photo: Lübeck Airport).
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Lübeck Airport modernizes energy supply

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Lübeck Airport also modernized the energy supply as part of the renovation work carried out at the terminal.

The administration building, which is already under construction, will benefit from this. In the future, this will not only house offices, but also a restaurant with a winter garden, congress and meeting rooms as well as the air traffic control headquarters, which can be clearly seen through the tower that is already enthroned on the building.

Renewing the energy output not only ensures that the increasing electricity demand is met, but also optimizes the emergency power supply. By installing a battery system, the switchover times to the secondary supply in the event of a power failure are reduced to milliseconds. This is particularly important for approaching aircraft. Pilots wouldn't even notice a flickering of the lights. Two transformer cells with a total output of 1.6 MW were installed for the new energy supply. 6.000 meters of cable with a diameter of 5 cm were laid for the supply line alone.

“Volts, amps and ohms, nothing works without electricity! This week's switchover of the airport's power supply marks the final step of this important project. This was done in close collaboration with Lübeck-based Otto Schatte GmbH, a specialist in technical building equipment. The planning phase began in summer 2022 and the actual work started in spring 2023. In total, we spent a seven-figure amount solely on modernizing the energy performance,” explains managing director Jürgen Friedel.


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