Hanover Airport (Photo: Oxfordian Kissuth).
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Passenger volume at German airports falls after summer peak – Germany remains at the bottom of the European rankings

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In September 2024, German airports counted a total of around 21,15 million passengers, a decrease of around 535.000 passengers compared to August.

After the peak during the summer holidays, the recovery of air traffic is losing momentum and is now only at 86,9 percent of the pre-crisis level of 2019. This means that Germany remains at the bottom of the recovery rate compared to other European markets. Despite an increase of 4,1 percent compared to the previous year, 13,1 percent of passengers are still missing compared to 2019.

The number of domestic flights shows a slight increase of 2,3 million passengers compared to August, which is attributed to the renewed increase in business travel. Nevertheless, this segment remains well below the 2019 level. European traffic recorded 15,12 million passengers in September, around 3,9 percent less than in August. The intercontinental segment increased compared to the previous year, but also remained below the 2019 level.

In the cargo sector, 393.507 tonnes of air freight were handled in September, a minimal increase of 0,2 percent compared to the previous year. This trend is mainly driven by a decrease in loadings and an increase in unloadings. Overall, growth remains moderate and total volumes remain below 2019.


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