Masks have to be worn at one German airport, but not at the other. That should change now.
In Germany, a general mask requirement could soon be introduced at airports. So far, this does not exist nationwide, since such orders are in principle a matter for the federal states, which has also contributed significantly to the patchwork of the extremely different corona measures in the individual federal states.
According to information from the news magazine “Der Spiegel”, the authorities and airport operators are currently assuming a significant increase in passenger numbers. In a present paper it is said that the mask requirement appears to be necessary, since the so-called safety distance cannot be maintained in many areas. According to "Spiegel", this should primarily concern the areas of security control, shuttle and apron buses as well as baggage claim. Remarkably, getting in and out is not mentioned at all.
Due to the federal structure of Germany, the federal government is not in a position to announce a general mask requirement. This means that the orders are made by the respective state governments. Votings are now taking place on this. The "Spiegel" expects that the measure will be made mandatory in the next few days.