Boeing 737-800 (Photo: Albastar).
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Albastar starts in Friedrichshafen

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The Spanish airline Alba Star will start a non-stop connection between Friedrichshafen and Palma de Mallorca on July 29, 2021. The airport has thus succeeded in closing the gap left by Ryanair due to the discontinuation of the former Lauda route.

Ryanair's sudden withdrawal from the route came as a surprise to management after intensive negotiations. However, we are still in dialogue for future developments, according to Friedrichshafen Airport in a media statement.

In cooperation with Carrier Consult from Hanover, the Spanish Alba Star could be won for this route. Bookings can be made via the travel agencies in connection with the tour operators offering them, via the online travel agencies and via the Friedrichshafen Airport booking platform.

The first flight will take off on July 29, 2021 in time for the start of the summer holidays. The flights are carried out on Thursday as well as on Sunday. The connections are currently planned until the end of the summer flight season, i.e. until November 6, 2021.

“Even under difficult conditions, we have managed to keep the holiday island of Mallorca as one of the most popular holiday destinations for this region in our offer. I am convinced that the attractiveness of the destination, the demand from the region and our efficient airport operations will ensure that the flights with Alba Star are carried out successfully, ”says Friedrichshafen boss Claus-Dieter Wehr.


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