The "Rocky Horror Show" returns to Vienna's MuseumsQuartier from November 21 to December 14, 2024 and will be accompanied for the first time by Arabella Kiesbauer as narrator. The talk show host will be on stage with Sky du Mont, who is also returning as narrator. Kiesbauer will take on the role of narrator in the final phase of the show after Sky du Mont took over the first few weeks of performances.
The decision to recast the cast comes after increased demand and the desire to make the cult show accessible to a wider audience. In addition to the premiere of the long-time TV presenter, du Mont, known for his charismatic stage presence, will once again delight fans with his acting performance. The show will be performed in English, while the narrator role will be presented in German. Tickets are available from 39 euros and pre-sales have already begun.