AUA-Trestl to China Eastern: “If competition, then with equal opportunities”
It was recently announced that China Eastern Airlines had not received traffic rights from the Republic of Austria for the planned route between Shanghai and Vienna. Austrian Airlines is said to have intervened, according to some media reports. AUA obviously does not want to face competition, because the Chinese airline - unlike Austrian Airlines - is allowed to use Russian airspace and thus benefits from significantly shorter flight routes. This has a positive effect on operating costs. This is precisely what Austrian Airlines seems to have a problem with and wants to be protected by the Austrian federal government. The result: China Eastern Airlines has not received traffic rights - at least for the time being. When asked, AUA Chief Commercial Officer Michael Trestl said that business in China was currently not going according to expectations. Fewer business travelers and tourists were flying to the Middle Kingdom and significantly fewer Chinese tourists were coming to Europe. He admits that the inability to use Russian airspace is having a negative effect on Austrian Airlines, as it has to fly longer flight routes and therefore has higher costs. “If there is competition, then it should be on equal terms,” was the only comment on the question of why Austrian Airlines intervened with the Ministry of Transport to such an extent that China Eastern Airlines was provisionally denied route rights.