Hamburg Airport (Photo: Michael Penner).
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Court: Hamburg expansion was legal

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For the judge of the Higher Administrative Court, the legal situation is clear: Nobody got into debt with the expansion of Hamburg Airport. At the beginning of last year, the Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND) had doubts about this matter - and therefore sued.

Specifically, this court hearing was about the question of whether a building project can still be implemented according to the old plans after more than 20 years. A terminal has already been completed, but due to the legal dispute it cannot yet be put into operation reported. 

This makes them all the more pleased about the verdict. "We never had any doubts about the legality," said Economics Senator Michael Westhagemann. "Otherwise, a building permit would never have been granted. From our point of view, that was clear from the start." But the joy is only short-lived. Because the opening of the hall could be postponed further in view of the corona pandemic.


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