The US aircraft manufacturer Boeing still has no approval for the smallest variant of the B737 Max, the Max-7. The aviation authority FAA has imposed numerous requirements on the manufacturer. These could now result in the schedule not being able to be met again.
Among other things, due to the fatal crashes of two Boeing 737-Max and all the circumstances that have come to light all around, the FAA is very precise with the model series Max-10 and Max-7. There is still no certification for either of them and it is currently not possible to estimate when this could be granted.
Program chief Mike Fleming admitted during a media conference held in Charleston that both the Max-7 and the Max-10 had significantly more extensive requirements and documentation requirements than in the past with other Boeing types. It is currently still expected that the type certification could be granted by the end of 2023 at the latest.
However, this presupposes that the US aircraft manufacturer can complete the FAA's "task booklet", which is considered to be extremely extensive, in a timely manner and to the satisfaction of the supervisory authority. Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that the FAA could issue new objections or instructions. It is therefore completely unclear whether Boeing can meet the current schedule or not.