Klagenfurt Airport (Photo: Angelika Evergreen).
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First Klagenfurt Airport Night Run: Sports event for a good cause

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On September 7, 2024, the first “Klagenfurt Airport Night Run” will take place at Klagenfurt Airport, organized in cooperation with the “Kärnten Bewegen” initiative and Antenne Kärnten.

From 21 p.m., participants have the opportunity to run or walk a distance of 00 km on the airport's illuminated runway. The event offers a unique experience and is suitable for runners of all ages and abilities. The proceeds will be donated to the organization Rainbows Carinthia, which supports children and young people in difficult life situations.

The event is part of the initiative "Maintain health. Move Carinthia", which was launched by the health representative of the state of Carinthia, Beate Prettner, to motivate the population to exercise more. In addition to the running event, there will be an after-run party and prizes will be raffled off. The entry fee is 27 euros and the first 500 registrations will receive a gift package.


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