Leasing staff from Turkey, who are said to be highly qualified, should save the vacations of Germans. So far not a single temporary worker has started in Germany and now the largest operator, Fraport, has decided not to use the "short-term" temporary workers.
Around 2.000 temporary workers from Turkey should provide short-term relief at German commercial airports. Industry associations explained that they had a Turkish personnel leasing company on hand that could provide the appropriate personnel, including industry-specific training and the best knowledge of German. Industry insiders had their doubts from the start, and apparently these skeptics were right, because Germany's largest airport operator, Fraport, is now doing without temporary workers from Turkey.
As initially reported by the "Frankfurter Rundschau", the leasing staff should not meet the expectations of the Fraport Group. The promised prior airport experience and knowledge of German should not be available. Also, the vast majority of the temporary workers offered do not even have the promised industry-specific qualifications.
A company spokesman confirmed that no temporary workers will be leased through the Turkish company. The expected qualifications, language skills and previous experience would not be available. You would first have to train the Turkish leasing staff and that would simply not be worthwhile if the deployment was limited to a maximum of three months by the federal government.
In contrast to other airport operators, Fraport AG was skeptical about the project from the start. While several industry associations raved about the fact that temporary workers from Turkey would ease the stress at German airports in midsummer 2022, the Frankfurt operator expressed skepticism and said that this would not be possible due to numerous regulations. Fraport is now completely doing without temporary workers from Turkey.
Other airports, which initially showed great interest in leasing staff, have not yet commented on their further course of action. Since the summer holidays in 2022 are slowly but surely coming to an end in almost all federal states and the government's commitment was approved until the beginning of October 2022 at the latest, it can be assumed that – if at all – only a few temporary workers will come to Germany. It should also be noted that the jobs also are not very attractive from a Turkish point of view, because after only a few weeks is over again. As in any other country, Turkish workers are also interested in long-term employment with prospects.
Thus, the topic "Turkish temporary workers to save German vacations" seems to be gradually taking care of itself, since qualified personnel in Turkey are hardly interested in working at German airports for a few weeks and thus the personnel service provider is doing the same for the industry associations can't keep promises. Industry insiders have suspected from the outset that this topic could only be a kind of "staying power" or a "laughing stock" of the associations.