Since the bankruptcy of the regional airline InterSky, there has been no meaningful use for the carrier's former hangar. Now this is to become a hall for the local volleyball team. The city council will decide on the details on Monday.
Friedrichshafen Airport has not been able to find a permanent replacement for the regional routes since the bankruptcy of the Austrian airline InterSky. VLM was briefly present, but then had to file for bankruptcy. The next successor was Sun Air of Scandinavia, but it withdrew due to the corona pandemic. There are currently no plans for a potential comeback for the British Airways franchisee.
Although InterSky was headquartered in Bregenz, Austria, nearby Friedrichshafen was the turboprop operator's main base. A maintenance hangar was also maintained here. After the company went bankrupt and Rolf Seewald sold a previously used machine, it was no longer used.
According to a media report by, a location search for a volleyball arena has been going on in Friedrichshafen for some time. Now there is a solution: the former InterSky hall at Friedrichshafen Airport is to be turned into a sports facility. This offers enough space and the necessary conversion is much cheaper than a new building.
The municipal council of Friedrichshafen will deal with the matter on Monday and could then set the first course. Instead of servicing commercial aircraft, local athletes could soon be active in this hangar. However, further developments have to be awaited.