Lufthansa boss Carsten Spohr announced a few days ago that narrowbodies in the cargo area could be purchased again. It is becoming apparent, however, that these will not be operated by Lufthansa Cargo, but will be operated by the sister company Cityline.
Lufthansa Cargo is investing in expanding its freight capacities. From the beginning of 2022, the company will offer its customers additional capacities in Europe through the permanent conversion of Airbus 321 passenger aircraft into freighters. The twin-engine medium-haul aircraft will be given large cargo doors so that containers can also be transported on the main deck. Initially, the conversion of two Airbus aircraft is planned. These aircraft are operated by Lufthansa CityLine on behalf of Lufthansa Cargo. You will be stationed in Frankfurt.
„Lufthansa Cargo möchte im eCommerce-Segment Kunden schnelle innereuropäische Verbindungen anbieten. Mit den umgerüsteten A321 erfüllen wir die steigende Nachfrage unserer Kunden nach Same Day-Services und stärken unser dichtes Netz an globalen Verbindungen sowie unser Produktangebot weiter“, sagte Dorothea von Boxberg, Vorstandsvorsitzende von Lufthansa Cargo. „Mit dem gewählten Flugzeugmuster können 28t pro Flug transportiert werden, also erheblich größere Frachtmengen als in den Bellies der Kurzstreckenmaschinen. Neben Spediteuren, Integratoren und Postgesellschaften werden eCommerce-Anbieter Kunden für dieses Angebot sein.“, so von Boxberg weiter.
“With over 60 years of experience in European air traffic, Lufthansa CityLine stands for reliable and efficient operations as an important partner in the Lufthansa Group. Flexibility in operation and speed in identifying and implementing new opportunities are the basis of our business. With these characteristics, we want to stand up for Lufthansa Cargo and its customers, ”says Steffen Harbarth, Managing Director of Lufthansa CityLine.
The Airbus A321s (A321P2F), which have been converted into cargo planes, offer a payload of 28 tons and a range of 3.500 kilometers. The conversion enables standardized freight pallets to be used on the main deck as well. The twin-engine Airbus A321 is one of the most versatile aircraft in its class and enables very efficient continental use.