Staircase with Ryanair branding at Warsaw-Modlin Airport (Photo: Jan Gruber).
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Ryanair hiring manager hands out against Lufthansa

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Ryanair personnel manager Darrell Hughes throws criticism of the billions in government aid for Lufthansa in an interview. He even assumes that the competitor is “dependent on government aid like an addict is dependent on a drug”. At the same time, the manager defends that Ryanair has accepted a government loan in the UK.

In conversation with the Editorial Network Germany Hughes claims that Lufthansa has failed to make the company more efficient for many years. The “UK money” for Ryanair would be a loan that has to be repaid in March 2021. It would not be comparable at all to the billion-dollar rescue package that Germany put together for Lufthansa. “The governments in the EU are now choosing their national champions, who are completely normal private companies and are now being pumped full of tax money. The German taxpayer pays for the inefficiency of Lufthansa, which does not work the way a modern airline should work, ”the Ryanair HR Director told RND.

At the same time, the manager of the Irish low-cost airline emphasizes that Ryanair and Malta Air will not withdraw from Germany. The only consequence of the announced closure of the Hahn and Weeze bases is that there are no longer any aircraft or personnel stationed there. The airports will continue to be used. But in general, Darrell Hughes thinks German airports are too expensive. These have to become more efficient, said the Ryanair hiring manager.

When asked about the short-time work rejected for the subsidiary Malta Air, Hughes pointed out to RND that the employees pay their taxes and social security contributions in Germany. The behavior of the Federal Employment Agency is “completely incomprehensible” from the point of view of the Ryanair Personnel Director. He also denies that, from Verdi's point of view, Ryanair tried to prevent the formation of works councils. Hughes: “We accepted Verdi's request to set up a works council right from the start. I don't understand what Verdi's argument is aimed at, especially since the formation of works councils has nothing to do with short-time work benefits. ”The decision of the employment office is already being taken in court.

At Ryanair, autumn and winter are expected to be difficult, because stricter quarantine rules and entry requirements are having a negative impact on demand. In comparison with other countries, Germany would be easier. Hughes told RND: “Unfortunately, it now looks like quarantine rules will be tightened from October onwards. But: We see considerably more difficulties in other countries, some of which work with extreme restrictions, such as Hungary, where citizens are forbidden to leave the country. We want a coordinated pan-European approach. "


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