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Serbia: Aviolet-B737-300 sold to China

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The airline Air Serbia was able to sell two Boeing 737-300s, which were last in the air with the registrations YU-ANI and YU-ANK. The aircraft mentioned were in service under the Aviolet charter and holiday brand.

This did not have its own AOC, but was just an Air Serbia brand. However, it was decided a few months ago that this should no longer be continued. Therefore, the last Boeing 737-300s were put up for sale.

The Ex-Yu-Aviation portal now reports that the two old medium-haul jets were sold to an unspecified company in the People's Republic of China. One of the two aircraft has already been flown out, the second is scheduled to fly in the next few days. This ends the story of the Boeing 737-300 machine type at Air Serbia.


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