Dortmund Airport (Photo: Dortmund Airport).
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Summer holidays 2023: Dortmund Airport with a new record

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During the six-week summer holidays in 2023 in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Dortmund Airport was used by more passengers than ever before. The airport had 449.571 passengers, 16,8 percent more than in the record year 2019.

Compared to the summer holidays in 2022, there was an increase of 14,7 percent or 57.000 travelers. In July 2023, Dortmund Airport broke through the 300.000 passenger mark for the first time. 307.377 passengers were counted and could exceed the value of the previous year by 44.000 passengers. There were also 18,8 percent more travelers than in July 2019.

“Dortmund Airport is one of the few airports in Germany that has not only come close to the pre-crisis level, but has clearly exceeded it. New travel destinations, the growing popularity of existing destinations, coupled with people's undiminished desire to travel, made this very positive result possible," announced Guido Miletic, Head of Airport Services + Marketing & Sales.

During the 2023 summer holidays, classic travel destinations such as Palma de Mallorca and Antalya were in particularly high demand. Katowice was also very popular with 50.393 travelers. Bucharest, Belgrade, Tirana and London were also frequently in demand during the six-week school break. Compared to the same period in the previous year, many existing routes were used more heavily. An increase in passenger volume of around 75% was achieved on flights to and from Tirana and London alone.


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