Airliner bus (Photo: Blaguss Reisen).
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Vienna: Blaguss continues to pause the airport bus - Postbus runs on the back burner

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Not only the City Airport Train, but also the airliner bus operated by Blaguss Reisen between Vienna Airport and the Erdberg underground station has been on a break since the beginning of the corona pandemic. A quick resumption of driving on the part of Blaguss is not imminent.

A spokeswoman for the bus and tourism group told Aviation Direct that the airliner bus between Vienna Erdberg and Vienna Airport will continue to be "not in operation until further notice" due to the corona crisis. As soon as the situation allows long-term planning, they want to inform about the further development of this bus line.

The competitor Österreichische Postbus AG is behind the Vienna Airport Lines. Here, too, operations were repeatedly suspended due to the low demand. The VAL1 lines (Airport-Hauptbahnhof-Westbahnhof) will run every hour from June 21, 2021 from 3:30 a.m. to 20:30 p.m.

Route VAL3 (Danube Center) has been in operation for a long time, but currently only six through coaches per direction and day are offered. The line between the airport and Schwedenplatz / Morzinplatz (VAL 2) remains suspended. According to Postbus AG, there is still no specific date for the resumption of this route.

Vienna Airport Lines (Photo: ÖBB / Marek Knopp).

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