The airlines operating from Munich Airport have registered around 15.000 take-offs and landings for the Bavarian Whitsun holidays. Flights are offered to around 200 destinations. The airport expects around two million travelers.
Over 1.700 planes take off to a total of 43 destinations in Italy, Spain and France during the Whitsun holidays. Egypt, Greece and Turkey also promise warm temperatures. A total of 826 aircraft head for these countries from Munich. The most frequently served European capitals are London, Paris and Amsterdam, which are served a total of 583 times during the Whitsun holidays. A total of 173 machines or 155 aircraft take off from Munich during the holidays to the two holiday strongholds of Mallorca and Antalya.
Flights from Munich Airport to North America are very popular: 384 aircraft alone take off during the holidays to a total of 16 destinations in the USA and Canada. There are seven flights to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil during the holidays. 150 flights take off towards China, India, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. 108 starts lead to destinations in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman and Saudi Arabia.