Austria: Bus and taxi drivers get higher wages

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The Chamber of Commerce and the Vida union have concluded collective agreements for employees in the taxi and rental car industries as well as drivers in private bus companies. There will be increases in monthly salaries. 

As of January 1, 2024, the wages of taxi and rental car drivers will increase by 10,3 percent. Bus drivers get 8,7 percent more money. “The new KV minimum wage for bus drivers is 2.773 euros gross per month. “This is a first good remedy against the staff shortage and makes the industry more attractive again for young professionals who can relieve the permanent workforce of excessive overtime,” says Claudia Mairhofer, head of the Vida union’s bus-community negotiation team. 

“Since there are almost no KV overpayments in the taxi and rental car industry, the percentage increase in KV wages has a direct positive effect on employees in practice. The new KV minimum wage will be 1.1.2024 euros gross per month from January 1.880, 175, which corresponds to an increase of 1.1.2025 euros," explains Karl Delfs, head of the Vida KV negotiation team for the taxi and rental car sector. In addition, it was agreed with employers that the minimum wage will be 2.000 euros per month from January XNUMX, XNUMX. 

Coaches (Photo: Jan Gruber).
Coaches (Photo: Jan Gruber).