Carinthian tourism wants to pull together in the future

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In a challenging 2023 summer season with severe weather extremes, the Carinthian tourism industry recorded 9.073.548 overnight stays and 2.162.149 arrivals from May to September. With this result, Carinthia achieved 98,7% of the overnight stay volume in the comparable period of 2019.

With a strong alliance between the state of Carinthia, Kärnten Advertising, the Carinthian tourism regions, the cable car industry, the ski schools and all other partners, we are now heading into a winter season that has positive signs. 

State Tourism Councilor Sebastian Schuschnig: “We are cautiously optimistic about the coming winter. Carinthia is well positioned as a winter destination both in terms of offerings and prices. This can definitely have positive effects this year. We have worked closely together to take comprehensive measures for the upcoming winter so that we can start a successful winter season in good time.”

Sought after: winter holidays in the snow

The desire for a winter holiday is unbroken, as the winter potential analysis by Austria Advertising and the NIT shows in the core markets. A winter holiday in the snow and in the mountains – these longings are at the top of the wish list for winter guests. 20 million potential guests are planning a winter holiday in Austria. That's three million more than in last year's survey and also above the pre-pandemic level. The majority of those surveyed want to go on their winter vacation despite the general price increases, but instead want to save in some areas of the vacation (cheaper accommodation or shorter vacation duration), according to another result of the study.

This season, Austria is once again in first or second place in the winter snow destination rankings. The best conditions for being able to attract potential guests with a clear, differentiated winter profile and corresponding holiday offers.

Sharpening your profile for a well-coordinated winter application

Competition in winter holidays is fierce, which is why winter sports destinations like Carinthia need a clear profile in order to be successful. This profile for winter holidays in Carinthia has been sharpened and coordinated in recent months: the Carinthian mountain railways, ski schools and tourism regions have worked with Kärnten Werbe to develop a common framework for well-coordinated advertising of the winter holiday offer. The aim is to appear in the markets in a concentrated manner with messages that sound the same and harmonious images. The basis for the profile with which you want to stand out from competitors were the results of the T-Mona winter guest survey of the last five years, the analysis of existing messages about the Carinthian winter offer, the latest trends and developments as well as the observation of the competition inside and outside Austria.

Klagenfurt Airport (Photo: René Steuer).
Klagenfurt Airport (Photo: René Steuer).