FACC AG honors long-standing employees

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A few days ago, the Austrian aviation supplier FACC AG honored some long-standing employees. According to the company, the workforce has a proud 3.780 years of experience.

On September 29th, FACC AG brought this year's jubilarians on stage: 267 employees were invited to a celebratory dinner to mark their service anniversary. All anniversaries with 10 years or more of service were honored, including an employee who has been part of the FACC crew for 45 years. FACC CEO Robert Machtlinger personally congratulated all those celebrating an anniversary: ​​“Above all, innovation requires expertise: Our long-standing employees make a significant contribution to FACC’s innovative strength with their know-how and passion. We therefore thank you very much for your loyalty to the company. With their experience, they create the basis for our vision of shaping the future of mobility together.”

Photo: FACC AG.
Photo: FACC AG.