Lilihill accuses local politics of "loss of reality".

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The Lilihill Group, majority owner of Klagenfurt Airport, launched a verbal retaliation against local politics. The board of KB-V, the state councilor Martin Gruber (ÖVP), is accused of blocking a "standard contract" between Liliair and the airport that is customary in the industry.

The so-called “Standard Ground Handling Agreement” defines the take-off and landing fees as well as the service fees that every airline has to arrange with airports worldwide before flight operations can begin. Liliair cannot fly from Klagenfurt without this contract. Anyone who describes such a contract for a home base carrier as an "extortion attempt" is either clueless, has completely different goals or suffers from a loss of reality," Lilihill said in a media release.

However: Liliair is not an airline, but a company that would like to charter aircraft and market the seats on its own account. In terms of aviation law, the operating carrier is therefore the contractual partner of the airport. thats why quite questionable for which Liliair actually makes the advance payment that is being disputed.

Klagenfurt Airport (Photo: René Steuer).
Klagenfurt Airport (Photo: René Steuer).