New York: Cat secretly wanted to go on vacation

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In the USA, a cat wanted to go on vacation, because the four-legged friend not only hid well in an already packed suitcase, but also didn't draw attention to itself at all. That's how it came about that it wasn't until the security check at New York JFK Airport that it was noticed that there was a live cat in the suitcase.

Not only the security officers, but also the travelers were massively surprised to have their well-known cat with them. The passengers did not own the cat themselves, but a family member living in the same household. He quickly got to the airport and picked up his animal. Neither he nor the passengers can expect a penalty because of the four-legged friend who secretly wanted to freeze. According to the airport, the cat should also be in good health.

Cat (Photo: Pixabay).
Cat (Photo: Pixabay).