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ÖAMTC: "Customers must insist on their rights"

A one-week package tour was booked in August 2020. It was canceled by the organizer four weeks in advance. The customers then asked for their money to be returned - so far in vain. In the legal advice of the mobility club such a thing occurs again and again

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2020: Only 200.000 passengers flew over Graz

The corona crisis also plunges the traffic figures at Graz Airport into unimagined depths: with almost 200.000 passengers, a minus of 81 percent was recorded. The corona pandemic has affected the entire flight and travel industry and thus of course also

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FRA: Record low reached in 2020

As bad as it has been in over 30 years: The Corona crisis is throwing Frankfurt Airport back decades. At just under 18,8 million passengers, the number of passengers was 73,4 percent lower than in the record year 2019, said

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