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OGH overturns five clauses of Austrian Airlines

The airline Austrian Airlines suffered a defeat in the Supreme Court with regard to its general conditions of carriage. The Chamber of Labor had sued against five clauses and was right before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court considered, among other things, the practice

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Luggage delivery service “Flying Bag” starts

The start-up company is launching a new booking platform and would like to make the trip more pleasant for vacationers. Flying Bag therefore offers transport options for all luggage. The equipment will be picked up at home and taken directly to the holiday apartment

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Hotelplan Suisse adjusts cancellation conditions

Hotelplan Suisse has adjusted its cancellation conditions: trips can be canceled or rebooked free of charge up to 21 days before departure. Without having to provide an associated justification. This is supposed to give the customer a carefree experience

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