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Olaf Scholz: “Germany will buy F-35”

Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has declared that F-35 fighter jets will be purchased for the Bundeswehr. These are intended to improve operational capability within the framework of NATO cooperation and, in an emergency, also be equipped with US nuclear weapons

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1 year Corona: Austria's tourism takes stock

“Some days are remembered for a lifetime. For us in tourism, March 13th, 2020 is one of them, "says ÖHV President Michaela Reitterer on the sad anniversary of the announcement of the first Covid-19 lockdown in Austria:" This Friday, the

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FRA: The proposal to rename is met with displeasure

According to its election program, the CDU district association Frankfurt am Main would like to name the largest German airport after the former Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl. Malicious and ironic reactions were not long in coming. Renaming airports in honor of deceased politicians is not

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In short: "Free Antigen Tests for the Vacation"

On Friday, Austria's Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) announced another lockdown for the Alpine republic. You will be able to leave this towards the end by “free testing”. The government wants to do this in cooperation with the federal states and the armed forces

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Level Europe employees demonstrated at Ballhausplatz

For the third time within a few weeks, airline employees took to the streets. This time the employees of the insolvent level held a rally in front of the Federal Chancellery. Around 150 employees of the insolvent airline Level Europe stopped on Wednesday morning

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Open letter from the Level Europe GmbH staff

The bankruptcy of the Austrian IAG subsidiary came as a surprise for the employees. They are now addressing Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Finance Minister Gernot Blümel in an open letter. A demonstration will take place on Ballhausplatz on Wednesday. The

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Level staff hold rally

The workforce of the insolvent airline Level Europe will hold a demonstration in front of the Federal Chancellery in Vienna on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 from 8:30 a.m. The organizers want to know the fate of around 200

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