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Portugal: Relaxation of the corona rules

As vaccination progresses - the country has now provided more than half of the population with a vaccine - Portugal is withdrawing some CoV restrictions. “It is time to sort out the pandemic after the deciding factor

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Balearic Islands tighten the corona measures

The Balearic Government has now taken tough measures to prevent parties and binge drinking. Since the seven-day incidence is now around 350, the aim is to eradicate the tourist season. Among other things, crowds of different households are both

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Domestic flights: Greece extends tough measures

Since the beginning of the month, stricter rules apply to domestic flights from the mainland to the Greek islands. The Ministry of Health is now extending these measures until July 15. Before that, a CoV self-test was enough for visitors to take part in the controls

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Portugal closes the doors to tourists

The Portuguese government pulls the handbrake: A new decree is now supposed to put a stop to tourist travel over the Easter holidays. Due to the dynamic situation all around mutated virus variants and Covid-19, Portugal is now tightening the existing immigration policies temporarily.

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