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Austrian Airlines started 2023 in the red

In the first quarter of the current financial year, Austrian Airlines posted negative adjusted EBIT of EUR 73 million. In a direct comparison with the same period of the previous year, there were about twice as many passengers on board.

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Supplier FACC is back in the black

The Austrian aviation supplier FACC AG was able to increase EBIT by 2021 million euros to 37,3 million euros in the first half of 2,9. The group thus returned to profitability. In the previous year they were deeply involved in the

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Catering: Do & Co reports positive EBIT

The Austrian airline caterer Do & Co was able to increase significantly at first glance, but the management points out that the increase in sales in the first quarter of the current financial year is only based on the fact that in the same period of the previous year

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