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PCR test at Vienna Airport: result on the same day

According to the entry regulations valid from today, passengers who have been vaccinated or recovered at Vienna Airport who cannot present a negative PCR test or a COVID-19 booster vaccination must go into quarantine - but those with a negative PCR test

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New rules complicate entry to Austria

The situation seems to be getting worse. The Austrian government is therefore also tightening its entry requirements and tightening the reins. In principle, a 2,5 G certificate must be presented at the borders with immediate effect. Antigen and antibody tests

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From Thursday: Austria reclassifies some countries

From Thursday, Austria will also classify Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro as green. For travelers, this means that there is no need to go into quarantine if the 3G certificate is available. There is also no need to fill out the pre-travel clearance. On the “red

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