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FFP2 compulsory in Austria: Who cares?

Since September 15, 2021, FFP2 masks are again mandatory on flights to / from Austria. Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) has prescribed it that way. In practice, however, this is still little known and is becoming more diverse even among flight personnel

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Erfurt: Hifly Malta brought 25 tons of FFP2 masks

The German regional airport Erfurt-Weimar had another visit from a large-capacity jet towards the late afternoon on Thursday. The Maltese airline Hifly Malta brought around 330 million FFP300 masks to Germany on the Airbus A9-2,3 with the registration 2H-TAJ.

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Austrian Airlines expects FFP2 to be mandatory

Simple MNS masks will be obsolete in many areas in Austria from 25 January 2021. The federal government wants FFP2 masks to be worn on public transport from this day, among other things. According to the Ministry of Health, this also applies in

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Austria: FFP2 masks also in airplanes

In Austrian commercial aircraft there is an obligation to wear an FFP25 mask from February 2021, 2. However, the government can only enforce this for those airlines that have AOC and operating licenses that have been issued in Austria as well

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