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Zurich passenger numbers remain at a low level

Zurich Airport continues to suffer from the corona pandemic. Last month, exactly 228.050 passengers flew over the airport - this corresponds to a decrease of 74,4 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. Compared to March

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MUC: Pandemic causes loss of hundreds of millions

The global corona pandemic with its serious effects on travel will lead to a three-digit million loss for the Bavarian airport operator - despite countermeasures taken immediately - in 2020 according to preliminary calculations. Recorded by Flughafen München GmbH

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FRA: Only 882.869 passengers in January

The tightened lockdowns and travel restrictions due to the corona pandemic have also messed up the start of the new year for Frankfurt Airport. Flight operations remain at an extremely low level: In January, Fraport only counted at Germany's largest aviation hub

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