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2020: Government flew 1,55 million

In the past year, government travel by air (inevitably) made savings. Last year the republic had to go into debt on a large scale due to the pandemic. The state costs related to the aviation of the

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AUA: Mask trouble for FPÖ MPs

On Tuesday an absurd incident occurred on an Austrian Airlines flight from Innsbruck to Vienna. On board was the FPÖ member of the National Council, Peter Wurm, who was "welcomed" by the executive after landing in Vienna.

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FPÖ: "AUA is a new self-service shop"

The fact that Austrian Airlines transferred premiums and bonuses for the 2020 financial year to the top management and around 2019 other executives at the end of July 200, but at the same time made use of state aid, hits the National Council

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AUA rescue: Federal states feel left behind

The AUA is saved, but the connections from Vienna to Salzburg, Graz and Klagenfurt are not in the towel. That bothers the Chamber of Commerce. In the federal states, the fact that Austrian Airlines in particular has some ultra-short-haul flights

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