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Freight: Leipzig grew again in July 2021

Among other things, corona test kits and increased online trade brought Leipzig / Halle Airport further growth in the freight sector in July 2021. 133.873 tons were handled, 9,1 percent more than in the same month last year. In the first seven

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June: German airports can grow

The airports are filling up slowly but surely: In June 2021, the volume of traffic at German airports will rise to almost a quarter of the pre-crisis level (2019). A total of 5.509.161 passengers used the German airports. Nevertheless: Compared to that

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FRA: The beginning upward trend continues

The beginning upward trend in passenger numbers continued in June despite the still significant effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Frankfurt Airport counted around 1,78 million passengers. That corresponds to an increase of almost

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Again less cargo handling in Austria

The air freight volume in Austria has been declining for a number of years. In contrast to other countries, the corona pandemic did not lead to a boom. On the contrary, because in the Alpine republic the volume continued to decline. This trend continued

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Germany: ADV sees air freight on the rise

The air freight volume had been declining for several years “before Corona”. In many countries, but not Austria, there was a real cargo boom during the pandemic. The Association of German Commercial Airports is of the opinion that a long-term

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December 2020: 87,9 percent decline in Germany

The German airports counted a total of 2.033.947 passengers in December of the previous year. In direct comparison with 2019, this is 87,9 percent fewer travelers. The freight volume rose by 13 percent to 449.226 tons, said the association

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