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Despite short-time work: AAS is cutting 106 jobs

Despite short-time work, the Vienna-based ground handler Airline Assistance Switzerland AG plans to cut a total of 106 employees. According to the company, this has already been registered with the employment service for the early warning system. “We have our backs to the wall

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Linz: AUA closes ground station on May 31, 2021

The Austrian Airlines ground station Linz-Hörsching will close its doors on May 31, 2021. 26 employees who have already been registered with the public employment service for the early warning system are affected. On Thursday, the employees were informed about the transfer of operations at a works meeting

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Ruefa travel agencies facing major downsizing

The largest travel agency chain in Austria Ruefa is facing a major downsizing, which has already been reported to the labor market service as part of the early warning system. Around 100 of the 600 jobs are on the brink, reports the radio station Ö1. Ruefa is

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CSA registers all employees for termination

The Smartwings subsidiary CSA registered all 430 employees at the employment office for resignation. Upon request, the authorities confirmed that they had received a corresponding notification from the airline. The carrier did not want to comment on this. CSA Czech

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Laudamotion fires almost all office workers

On Friday, the Austrian airline Laudamotion GmbH announced almost all of the remaining staff in the Schwechat office. Previously, an early registration was made with the Public Employment Service. The proverbial iron broom was used as early as the end of June 2020

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