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Transnusa is transforming into a premium carrier

The Indonesian low-cost airline Transnusa no longer wants to be active on the market as a low-cost carrier, but as a full-service carrier. The change in the business model would also be a consequence of the sale of the company. The carrier currently operates two

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Tui: More hotel management instead of real estate ownership

Tui is sharpening its focus in the long-term partnership with Riu: In the future, the collaboration will be geared even more clearly to the brand, hotel management and sales. In the course of this focus, the Riu family has taken over the Tui minority stake in one of the companies up to now

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Russia: Smartavia is also becoming a lowcoster

Up until a few years ago, the “low-cost airline” business model was downright frowned upon in the Russian Federation. With Dobrolet, Aeroflot brought the first low-cost food to the market, but this was a huge blow and was less than sticky

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