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SZG: With Eurowings for vaccination on the plane

Get vaccinated on the plane? In the state of Salzburg, this is made possible by a cooperation between the airport, the state of Salzburg, the Red Cross and Eurowings. Where passengers usually start their vacation relaxed, or in the shortest possible time

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France tests digital “health passport”

As Secretary of State for Transport Baptiste Djebbari announced in a radio interview, France is toying with the introduction of a digital “health passport” for air travelers. Only test runs would already run at full speed. The state carrier should help: Air France will open in the future

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Slovakia quarantines all immigrants

The Slovak government is nailing it. Slovakia will tighten its border policy from Monday next week. According to a government decision, all persons entering from abroad will have to enter a 14-day quarantine

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Hamburg: Airbus hygiene concept leaves a lot to be desired

The cause of the corona outbreak was unclear for a long time. The first indications are now that the aircraft manufacturer is at fault. In any case, the judicial authority that is responsible for compliance with occupational health and safety in Hamburg already had its own before the outbreak

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