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Aegean introduces new voucher option

For flights up to March 28.03.2021, 18, travelers can now request a voucher equal to the value of the originally purchased ticket. This can be redeemed for any future flight within the next XNUMX months. The offer

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Kolba warns of a German voucher solution

Austrians should not accept compulsory vouchers, which are now covered by the government of the Federal Republic, but insist on the payment of their claims. Voucher instead of reimbursement: recently, the organizers of canceled package tours in Germany. Among other things, to

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Vouchers: Eurowings suffers defeat in court

Passengers do not have to be fobbed off with “compulsory vouchers”. Eurowings was legally “made aware” of this by the Nürtingen District Court for an “extra charge” of 175 euros. The airline Eurowings became legally binding for the repayment of a ticket by the district court of Nürtingen

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