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Thailand is cautiously easing entry requirements

Since the beginning of the pandemic, travelers have had to forego Thailand vacations. The country, which lives heavily on tourism, is taking comparatively tough action against the spread of the virus. Now those responsible are daring at least a small step towards easing and shortening

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Balearic Islands: Ibiza will be closed

The Balearic government is pulling the rip cord and tightening the corona measures again. Going out is only possible under certain exceptions at least until January 30th. Only essential trips are allowed now. This includes visits to the doctor and care

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Tightening: Germany is redefining the world

The German Robert Koch Institute now divides the world into four categories. In future there will be “virus variant areas”, “high incidence areas”, risk incidence areas ”and states that are no longer considered risk areas. The German federal government has meanwhile decided that for entry

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