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USA opens borders with Canada and Mexico to vaccinated people

The US government wants to lift entry restrictions at the land borders with Canada and Mexico for people vaccinated against corona. The easing should take effect in November and also apply to ferry crossings. Anyone who can prove that they have been vaccinated against the coronavirus can do so

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India resumes issuing tourist visas

India wants to gradually open up to tourism again. The Interior Ministry announced that visas for tourists will be issued again from Friday. The reason for the move is that around two thirds of the population have antibodies.

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USA will soon allow vaccinated people back into the country

The USA are daring a long overdue step: The entry bans for Europeans and other countries of origin imposed due to the pandemic are being relaxed. Fully immunized foreigners should therefore be able to cross the border again without any restrictions from November. The CoV coordinator confirmed

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Almost all United employees are vaccinated

At the American airline United Airlines, almost 90 percent of the employees in the USA are vaccinated. Also, about 95 percent of executives in the United States have received a full vaccination. In early August she already had

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