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IAG only pays half for Air Europa

The management of the International Airlines Group rubs their hands together. Because Air Europa gets it at a bargain price. Instead of paying the Spanish airline as originally agreed, it is not paying a billion euros, but only half. In fact

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Air Europa sale: IAG and Globalia agree

Air Europa owner Globalia and the International Airlines Group have agreed on an amendment to the acquisition agreement dated November 4, 2019. Accordingly, the IAG will no longer be one billion euros, but only 500 million euros

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Level Europe: Operating license and AOC canceled

The Austrian Ministry of Transport and Austro Control have canceled the operating license and the AOC of the insolvent Level Europe. With this, the last hopes for a possible continuation have finally been dashed. Despite intensive efforts, none could

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Court orders the final closure of Level Europe

The Korneuburg Regional Court ordered the final closure of Level Europe GmbH. Most recently, only the “Nominated Persons” division (postholder) was active. All other parts were already in the last few months by order of the bankruptcy court

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