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Mallorca vacationers: The majority do not return early

After the announced upgrade of Spain to the Corona high incidence area, there are initially no indications that a larger number of people want to prematurely break off their Mallorca vacation or cancel booked stays. “Interpret the first information from Playa de Palma

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Corona: Greece introduces dance ban

The incidence value in Greece is going crazy - on Sunday the incidence value soared again from 104,1 to 115,1. Because of this, residents as well as visitors experience the first restrictions. The Athens government is looking at them with concern

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Finland closes down longer

Finland will not deviate from its strict entry requirements in the future: The Scandinavian country does not want to implement the easing originally planned for June. This means that the borders remain closed to tourists from the EU. The reason for

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Despite low incidence: Travel warning for Mallorca remains

Although the Spanish Mediterranean island of Mallorca has been falling below Germany's relevant seven-day incidence value of 50 per 100.000 inhabitants for several weeks, the government is sticking to the risk area classification. Tour operators are angry about this and suspect in secret,

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Balearic Islands: Ibiza will be closed

The Balearic government is pulling the rip cord and tightening the corona measures again. Going out is only possible under certain exceptions at least until January 30th. Only essential trips are allowed now. This includes visits to the doctor and care

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Great Britain tightened entry rules

In Great Britain, the corona pandemic is raging with undiminished intensity despite the lockdown. Now the British government has issued tougher entry requirements. The recently identified virus variant is currently causing a sensation in the UK. Especially in London with a seven-day incidence of

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