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Blue Air is to be nationalized

The Romanian low-cost airline Blue Air is about to be nationalized. The shareholders have signaled their willingness to cede 75 percent of the shares to the state. The Agency for Administration of State Assets also confirmed

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Slovenia blows off plan for new state carrier

Shortly after Adria Airways went bankrupt, the Slovenian government pushed ahead with plans for a new state carrier. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has now announced that the project has been dropped. The background is also that the EU Commission has expressed concerns

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Seychelles do not want to repay Etihad loans

Air Seychelles should not pay a cent to Etihad Airways. This is what the government wants, because there have been disagreements for some time in connection with loans granted by the golf carrier, which are now being negotiated at the highest level of the state

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LOT starts with the terminations

The Polish airline LOT can breathe a sigh of relief: After the EU gave the green light, the first state aid will flow to the troubled airline. But the price has to be paid by the workforce. Because on the terms of state

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