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Lorenzo Stoll leaves Swiss

After eleven years at the Swiss Lufthansa subsidiary Swiss, Lorenzo Stoll is leaving the company at the end of June to take on a new position outside the aviation industry. Stoll, who most recently held the position of head of the freight subsidiary Swiss World Cargo

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Jettainer extends contract with Swiss

Jettainer will take over the worldwide control and maintenance of the loading equipment fleet of Swiss International Air Lines as well as the air freight subsidiary Swiss WorldCargo and the sister company Edelweiss Air for a further five years. In the course of the contract extension, Jettainer will exchange more

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Swiss appoints new cargo manager

On April 1, 2021, Swiss will appoint Lorenzo Stoll, a new head of the Swiss World Cargo division. He succeeds Ashwin Bhat, who is moving to Lufthansa Cargo as Chief Commercial Officer

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