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Linz: Air Dolomiti increases connection to Frankfurt

With the start of the winter flight schedule on October 30, 2022, Air Dolomiti, the Italian airline of the Lufthansa Group, is further expanding its flight connection from Linz to Frankfurt. The previous offer will be increased by an additional morning connection. The extra route

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Israir wants to buy an EU offshoot

The Israir Group wants to set up an offshoot in the European Union at a price of 20 to 30 million euros. According to the stock exchange announcement, one is in the final phase and could possibly be in the sales process as

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VIE: Fund wants half of shares

The Australian fund IFM, which recently increased its stake in Vienna Airport to over 40 percent through acquisitions on the market, intends to increase its stake by another 10 percent. On Wednesday, a corresponding

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